A Goodbye to Summer
October 10, 2024

A Goodbye to Summer
October 10, 2024

A Goodbye to Summer
October 10, 2024

The cold weather has finally arrived in Toronto, and I’m already missing the warmth. I’m writing this all cozy in my burrito blanket, thinking back on one of the best summers I’ve had.

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The cold weather has finally arrived in Toronto, and I’m already missing the warmth. I’m writing this all cozy in my burrito blanket, thinking back on one of the best summers I’ve had.

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The cold weather has finally arrived in Toronto, and I’m already missing the warmth. I’m writing this all cozy in my burrito blanket, thinking back on one of the best summers I’ve had.

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The cold weather has finally arrived in Toronto, and I’m already missing the warmth. I’m writing this all cozy in my burrito blanket, thinking back on one of the best summers I’ve had.

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The cold weather has finally arrived in Toronto, and I’m already missing the warmth. I’m writing this all cozy in my burrito blanket, thinking back on one of the best summers I’ve had.

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Some Updates...
May 1, 2024

Some Updates
May 1, 2024

Some Updates...
May 1, 2024

Some Updates...
May 1, 2024

Some Updates...
May 1, 2024

It has definitely been some time since I've posted here - an unintentional hiatus of sorts - but I'm back! So much has happened in the past couple of months, so I thought I'd give all of you who tune in to read this (hi mom, lol) a little update on how things have been, before I get back to semi-regular scheduled programming.

Last October, I traveled to Portugal with two of my best friends. It was absolutely beautiful! I had such a fun time exploring and truly felt like I was living my best life, except for the part where I fell off an electric scooter. (No, but actually, it was so scary, and my knee is STILL messed up six months later). I swear, though, the air felt different there. I came back feeling rejuvenated and full of sardines…yes, I brought back massive amounts of sardines home with me. I miss Portugal a lot and already have the urge to go back.

In the fall, I also won my first design award which was something definitley not on my 2023 bingo card. Throughout all of 2022, I was working with on designing Issue #5 of Mimp’s latest issue with the most creative and dedicated team. Having the opportunity to be a part of this project brought me a lot of joy and purpose during a time where I felt the least creative. We poured so much time, effort, and passion into the project, so I decided to enter it into the ADCC Awards last summer just for fun, and we ended up winning bronze! To be recognized as a small local independent team alongside some of the most prestigious Canadian design firms was truly a pinch me moment.

For the majority of the winter months, I was in the depths of annual report season at work, which was chaotic and stressful. I was fully immersed in my bed-rotting era in my downtime, as I struggled to find any ounce of motivation to take care of myself and my mental health. I had always wanted to try spin class, but was too intimidated and just felt intimidated and scared to do so as it seemed intense, and my exercise abilities were actual garbage As someone who’s struggled for years to commit to frequent exercise, especially cardio-focused activities (yay for health anxiety), I fell in love with it after the first class. It’s so hard, but so fun. I see myself improving, and I’m proud of myself for continuing to stick with it. It’s good vibes, good music, all in darkness. Truly the ideal workout for me. As I write this, I am approaching my 40th class!

As of more recently, I’ve started doing my weekend pottery classes again, and have created a separate instagram to document my learning journey. I’ve also started taking reformer pilates classes, and WOWWWW the girly pops on social media were not lying. my body has just been one big ache since I started lol. And finally, I just finished my fourth year of being an industry mentor/portfolio reviewer with Humber College. It’s been so rewarding to review the work of the graduating students, and give back to the design community and also my alma mater.

With the weather getting warmer, I’m so excited to be able to slow down, have a cute summer, and continue to settle into my routine. Stay tuned for some new posts and projects coming up.

- Olivia

Hibernation Szn
November 13, 2023

Hibernation Szn
November 13, 2023

Hibernation Szn
November 13, 2023

Hibernation Szn
November 13, 2023

Hibernation Szn
November 13, 2023

Colder weather calls for a comfy and cozy playlist.

Over the past few months I found myself exploring different genres of music, and gravitating towards certain songs as a means to process my feelings and emotions. I hope you enjoy this amalgamation of songs during the long hibernation szn in Canada.

Aura Reading
August 25, 2023

Aura Reading
October 25, 2023

Aura Reading
October 25, 2023

Aura Reading
October 25, 2023

Aura Reading
October 25, 2023

It’s been almost 10 months since my last aura reading with Evelyn, the founder of Rose Aura. As a birthday gift, I decided to get another reading done this past month.

Although an aura reading is only a snapshot of my energy in that exact moment, as aura’s can change from minute to minute, I was curios to see how this reading would differ from the last one. I felt like I have done some growing, healing & don’t feel like the same person I did 10 months ago. It was nice to be able to discuss my last aura photo and compare it with the new one with her. Here are the takeaways from my reading:

• There is a very clear colour distinction between the past two weeks (lower left side), and the upcoming two weeks (lower right side). In my last reading there was wasn’t this clear and definitive distinction.

• I've been feeling exhausted and emotionally drained the past two weeks, which is depicted by mix of red and orange.

• The bright yellow area on the lower right shows that there is a lot of positive energy coming my way. I will be very productive and get lots of things done, and that I'm in the midst of change happening in my life.

• At the top of the photo (my current state), there's lots of green. Green is the the heart chakra, and hosues love for oneself and others. Evelyn encouraged me to be present and try to act from my heart in my day-today interactions as much as possible. Overthinking is something has come up in both of my readings, and she explained that most times, the heart knows things before the mind, and to seek trust in that and to try and be in my head less.

• There is subtle colouring on the left that explains that someone is watching over me. I was really shocked but also really nice to hear because maybe it is a loved one who is watching over me in this time of growth. I also interpreted it as the people in my life are always here for me and have been showing up for me during this time of groth and change. My friends are constantly supporting, expressing loving, and creating a safe space for me to navigate my feelings and grow into myself.

I’m currently trying to balance growth and change in my life, and feel like this reading accurately depicted my life at the moment. I’m the type of person who feels very deeply, but rarely acts from my heart. I always check-in with my mind to create a plan, pro/con lists, and think of every worst case scenario that could happen in a certain situation. I want to be as logical as possible, seek answers, and ensure that things go to plan which causes me to exhaust myself with my own thoughts most of the time. My brain is overactive, due to anxiety, and I worry and think a lot as a means to protect myself and keep myself safe even though there is no immediate threat. The reality is that worrying or overthinking can’t change something from happening or not. Acting on solely feelings and trusting my heart is so difficult for me, but I’ve been doing it recently and it’s a feels different. Although it’s scary, it’s also been so rewarding in a multitude of ways ways. I’ve been able to to let people in and hold space for me, and in turn, I’ve been able to heal and grow with the help of others. It’s so difficult for me to be present, but taking it one day at a time has helped me lean more into my heart and let it guide me.

My therapist reminds me that when I turn and run away from something out fear of being hurt, I’m also limiting myself from experiencing all the possibilities of good. This is the first time I can confidently say that I’m taking risks to let love and goodness into my life, instead of running the other away.

Ottawa & Montreal Trip
July 14, 2023

Ottawa & Montreal Film
July 14, 2023

Ottawa & Montreal Film
July 14, 2023

Ottawa & Montreal Film
July 14, 2023

Ottawa & Montreal Film
July 14, 2023

Last fall I took a trip to Ottawa with my friend Kiara to visit my friend Jordan, and his partner Jaime. 

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Last fall I took a trip to Ottawa with my friend Kiara to visit my friend Jordan, and his partner Jaime. 

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Last fall I took a trip to Ottawa with my friend Kiara to visit my friend Jordan, and his partner Jaime.  

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Aura Reading
October 25, 2022

Aura Reading
October 25, 2022

Aura Reading
October 25, 2022

Aura Reading
October 25, 2022

Aura Reading
October 25, 2022

Hellooooo! It’s been such a long time since I posted an entry on here. So much has been happening these last few months. The biggest being that I’ve been settling into my new full-time job that I started in January 2022, which has been so fulfilling, as I am able to really nurture my skills and see myself grow and learn so much.

I’ve also been really been savouring the summer months, and this unusually warmer fall weather by spending time with friends as much as possible. In addition to all of this, I recently finished up a year-long design project that I was working on with some friends, which was such a rewarding and fun experience (stay tuned for the immersive case study coming in the next few months).

I first came across aura readings on social media, and have been interested in them for a while. After doing some research, there is really only one reputable place in Toronto that does them. After work one day, I made my way to Rose Aura, located in the west-end of the city.

Evelyn founded Rose Aura in 2017, and has been operating out of this very small studio just off College Street. When I arrived, she was so welcoming, and proceeded to explain to me the process of how my aura photo will be taken. I sat on a chair and placed my hands on these two sensor machines beside me and we proceeded to do some deep breathing exercises (something I never do), as a grounding exercise. While sitting on the chair, she explained that an aura is the unseen electromagnetic energy field that surrounds me. Most commonly known as an “irl vibe check" lol. They cannot be seen with the naked eye, but can be felt by others. Aura readings are able to provide insights into one’s emotional well-being and state. Fun fact: auras can be up to 9 feet in length!!!

Evelyn explained that this photo will be a snapshot of my energy in that very moment, as aura’s can change from minute to minute. She instructed me to hold my pose for 10-15 seconds in order for the camera to capture my photo along with my aura, which was being extracted from the sensors my hands were on. We then walked over to a little counter where I waited for my photo to develop, where she had a beautiful crystal collection, along with a sheet that explained all of the chakras and corresponding colours. She explained chakras to me, and as my photo started to slowly devlop, she began my reading. It was definitely overwhelming to take in all of the information, as it was my first time being exposed to chakras, but was able to make some info on my takeaways (see below for my cute photo):

• In the past two weeks I've been feeling overworked & tired (the murky red mixed with the yellow on the lower left) & I can expect to feel this way in the coming weeks too lol (lower right side)

• All of the colours above my forehead represent my present energy and the thoughts and feelings that I’m experiencing. i think a lot and have a lot of mental energy and very active thoughts (the bright red), but am physically tired.

• She also explained that the pink mixed with the purple means that I am giving kind and comforting energy to others. the bright red means i’m very secure in myself and i have a great sense of intuition and to lean into that more

She encouraged me to be kind to myself, and to breathe in order to be less tense and to ground myself, and to also look at my aura photo to feel a sense of calm. After leaving the shop with my photo—and with a beautiful crystal—I was reflecting on how accurate my reading was, and wondering how it would change if I practiced more grounding and wellness techniques. It would be cool to start a tradition of getting an aura reading semi-anually to see how it shifts throughout my life.

Winter Film
February 16, 2022

Winter Film
February 16, 2022

Winter Film
February 16, 2022

Winter Film
February 16, 2022

Winter Film
February 16, 2022

A cute little photo dump of some film photos while experimenting with my new camera. All photos are shot on the Olympus Stylus Epic.

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A cute little photo dump of some film photos while experimenting with my new camera. All photos are shot on the Olympus Stylus Epic.

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Spring Playlist
May 5, 2021

Spring Playlist
May 5, 2021

Spring Playlist
May 5, 2021

Spring Playlist
May 5, 2021

I’ve truly become that person who creates curated seasonal playlists! Here in Ontario, we’ve been in-and-out of lockdown since November (*cries* because our government and leadership are in shambles) and the days and weeks just seem to be going on forever and blending into one.

Since the pandemic began, I’ve noticed my focus get progressively worse over the months at home. Struggling to complete a task in its entirety without any distractions has become a new annoying thing in my life. I know I can work more efficiently and effectively, and want to strive to get to that place again by trying to make a more conscious effort to minimize my multi-tasking especially while working. One small thing that I find helps a lot to get me into the zone to focus is listening to the same song or playlist on repeat until said task is fully completed.

The warmer weather and the potential for there to be some normalcy this spring and summer has been something that I’ve been looking forward to for a while. This playlist consists of a mix of some funky tunes that make me hopeful and happy, and honestly just put me in the best mood. I find it so interesting how this pandemic has affected all of us in different ways, but especially the way in which just being a functioning human being has become so much more difficult and exhausting at times. Here’s your reminder to bask in the sun, and try not be too hard on yourself for the ways in which you’ve changed during this time. Happier days are coming…

If you’re interested, you can listen to it here.

A Reflection
January 1, 2021

A Reflection
January 1, 2021

A Reflection
January 1, 2021

This post-grad journal-esque article has been a work in progress for over a year. I actually started writing this in November 2019, and since then so much has changed, causing me to constantly revisit it, make edits, rewrite entire sections, and never be fully satisfied with it (a feeling I’m very very familiar with lol).

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This post-grad journal-esque article has been a work in progress for over a year. I actually started writing this in November 2019, and since then so much has changed, causing me to constantly revisit it, make edits, rewrite entire sections, and never be fully satisfied with it (a feeling I’m very very familiar with lol).

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This post-grad journal-esque article has been a work in progress for over a year. I actually started writing this in November 2019, and since then so much has changed, causing me to constantly revisit it, make edits, rewrite entire sections, and never be fully satisfied with it (a feeling I’m very very familiar with lol).

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This post-grad journal-esque article has been a work in progress for over a year. I actually started writing this in November 2019, and since then so much has changed, causing me to constantly revisit it, make edits, rewrite entire sections, and never be fully satisfied with it (a feeling I’m very very familiar with lol).

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This post-grad journal-esque article has been a work in progress for over a year. I actually started writing this in November 2019, and since then so much has changed, causing me to constantly revisit it, make edits, rewrite entire sections, and never be fully satisfied with it (a feeling I’m very very familiar with lol).

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Autum Playlist
December 4, 2020

Autum Playlist
December 4, 2020

Autum Playlist
December 4, 2020

Autum Playlist
December 4, 2020

To celebrate the first day of fall, I curated a comfy cozy playlist with some of the songs that I’ve had on repeat during this pandemic.

Although I’m publishing this project a couple of months later, discovering new music and revisiting some old favourites has been one of the highlights for me this year. It’s given me the space to understand and process my emotions and feelings, while also providing me with comfort during the difficult times.

If you’re interested, you can listen to it here.

NYC Film
December 4, 2020

NYC Film
December 4, 2020

Last summer I went to NYC for the first time with one of my best friends, and I’m thankful that I brought my film camera along. The trip was magical, to say the least.

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